Monday, November 15, 2010

Story about Smoke Detector

This is funny. I had a couple of guys come over to install new carpet in our house. One of them told me that the neighbor across the street sounds like the smoke detector is going off. So I said I will go check and I went outside and sure enough I could hear the smoke detector as soon as I step outside. I decided to walk over across the street to her house but did see a light on and thought that someone was home so maybe it wasn't hers. I could not hear exactly where the sound was coming from because I'm deaf in one ear. So you lose your location of where the sound can come from. I decided to walk down the street on the west side and could still hear it. Turned around to walk to the east side and could hear it. Not sure which neighbors house it was coming from because no one was home since it is a week day every one is at work. I walked to my backyard and could tell it was not coming from behind my house. I went inside and called my neighbor across the street where the light was on and asked if they were okay. She said yes and I explained that a smoke detector was going off and I could not locate where the noise was and if they could go outside to find out. They meet me outside and said they could hear it. Then all of a sudden I just remembered that my husband took out our old smoke detector to put up a newer one. It was trash day today. I walked over and opened up the trash and sure enough it was coming from our trash bin. ( I was so embarrassed, let the neighbor know it was in our bin.) I took out the detector and took out the battery. My husband forgot to take the battery out. So it was pressing on something to set it off. I called him and told him. What a laugh. Now if you update your smoke detector make sure you take the battery out before throwing it away.


Melody said...

Haha, nice

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