I really enjoy that new tool on Etsy "Pounce". Yesterday I decided to look around to feature a new artist. Since I have a hard time coming up with something to write I thought this would be a fun challenge for myself. This artist is new to Etsy, http://www.melangebylisette.etsy.com/. I picked her because the products looked so fascinating besides being lovely. The store seemed to speak my name and drew me in. Each piece of artwork that she creates is a separate entity that bespeaks her love of nature and family. She truly believes in a harmonious blend of art and craft. All pieces of artwork are created in a smoke free environment, and are truly made by hand.
While living in the bush of Alaska for many years, necessity was the mother of invention and sanity, and she learned many techniques, such as making paper with natural objects embedded into the fibers, and dyes from natural sources, which she incorporates into her work today...
Lisette Root resides with her husband in Omak, Washington. Her days are filled with artwork, home making, and caring for the many formerly homeless animals (19 kitties, 2 wolves, 1 burnese mountain dog, 2 chihuahuas, 1 horse, 7 fish and a chicken) that she and her husband have rescued over the years. Ok, the chihuahuas were expensive, so they weren't rescued, but the rest were.
I also asked that famous question. How did you hear about Etsy? Her commented was through her sister who works on her website http://www.melangebylisette.com/ Please check this site out also.